Spring in the Lockdown and the Wisdom of Wood
Hello Friends,
Spring, according to Five Element philosophy is represented by the element of wood, particularly in the form of trees. What can we learn from the wisdom of the trees to put a spring in our steps?
In nature the roots of trees bind the element of earth and provide support for the growth of the parts of the tree we can see. Grounding for us humans can be seen as any activity that re-connects us to our own earth – our physical bodies, senses, and the present moment.
In scientific terms grounding (or earthing) refers to techniques that re-connect you to the electrical current of Earth such as walking barefoot in a field or spending a day on the beach.
When we are grounded our body tends to be stronger and more energised. Our minds tend to be more clear and we can feel safer, more sure of who we are and our life goals.
Grounding is about nurturing ourselves. Being grounded improves our digestion as well as other vital bodily systems. Eating healthy seasonal food high in vitamin C, lots of green veg and staying well hydrated with purified water adds to grounding and so the positive cycle continues..
Right now trillions upon trillions of leaves are opening, growing and starting to breath. Their collective breath is literally cleaning the sky as they gobble up carbon dioxide to be stored as branches and trunks, whilst oxygen is released.
Thanks to lockdown the air has never been fresher, you can almost taste the difference. The transformational potential of working with the breath is huge but the simple act of bringing awareness to how we are breathing in this moment tells us so much about what’s going on for us.
The postures of trees have been shown to change when the sun goes down. A recent scientific study discovered that not only do birch trees droop their branches an average of 10 centimetres during the night, but that they also have a daily cycle with several different phases like us humans.
Getting an early night is the best way to give our mental, physical and energetic “branches” the strongest bounce-back when morning arrives. Sleep is the ace in our immunity deck and along with meditation is the best way to de-stress and enhance our reserves of energy.
For thousands of years trees have been used in meditation as a way to commune with nature. Connecting with the power of trees at the beginning and end of a meditation is a great way to establish essential grounding and a strong core. One way is to visualise roots from the soles of your feet and base of your spine going deep into the earth and spreading wide.
Thankfully it feels that there’s light at the end of the Corona tunnel. However being “in the woods” of this pandemic may have caused us all to feel varying degrees of fear and anxiety, perhaps anger and frustration, triggering our “fight or flight” responses. We may also have felt the benefits of a slower pace and connecting with some of the simpler things of life.
The representation of woods and forests in western culture seems to encapsulate this polarity of emotion they evoke in us. As home to the Ewoks of Star Wars and the Tree of Souls of Avatar, for example, woods are depicted as places of safety and security, refuge and serenity. Whilst the “deep dark woods” and “forbidden forests” are places where danger and predators lurk.
You may be Robin Hood experiencing Sherwood Forest (i.e. lockdown) as his playground or Red Riding Hood running from the wolf (i.e. the virus, it’s cure and the consequences) or more likely a combination of both.
It’s been my experience that if we find the time to “go down to the woods today” i.e. to connect with nature through food, movement, breath, meditation or any other way, in a grounded state the chances are we’ll be in for “a big surprise”. That could be meeting “the teddy bears having their picnic”… harmonising the various aspects of our psyches and finding a place of inner calm and centeredness from which we can better see “the wood from the trees”.
Or we may meet the Old Lady of the Woods or Yoda himself and “never believe our eyes” when presented with the magic key that helps us connect deeper to inner flow and synchronicity opening up new worlds and horizons.
Everybody is unique and only you truly know what works for you, so please “hold the gold” from this sharing and let go of whatever doesn’t resonate with you.
I have volunteered with Front Line 19 offering free therapy sessions for NHS workers. It seems that this initiative is yet to really kick in so if you know anyone in these crucial jobs that may benefit from some free support please do forward this email.
I’m hosting a live HEART ACTIVATION MEDITATION as part of the online “Indoorphines” retreat on Friday 15th May at 18.00. It’s free to join and I hope to see you there.
I’m also offering free 33 minute Discovery Calls if you feel drawn to find out more about learning to meditate or breathe, deepening your existing practice or working with me in therapy.
Please do forward this on to anyone who may
be interested to find out more
They may be going through a difficult time or one of life’s big transitions. They may find themselves battling stress or emotionally “stuck”, in negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. Or they may be ready to start showing up with more authenticity. My lived experience is that harnessing the courage to begin this work is in itself a courageous and deeply rewarding act.