Introducing my Harley Street Practice


Thich Nhat Hanh

Hello friends,
Here we are, at the start of March 2020. For us Northern Hemisphere folk, March is the host-month for the vernal equinox and start of Spring. The winter hibernation and reflection period is coming to an end and many of us may be experiencing a “warming” of our our goals for the year ahead, along with a “springing forth” of new patterns of thinking and behaviour to make them happen.
Spring, in nature and metaphorically, is about re-birth, re-growth, renewal and rejuvenation. “Season creep” has been observed for decades now and to me, once again, Spring seems to be arriving earlier. It’s as if nature is encouraging us, urging us to come out of our shells, individually and collectively, to respond to the many “wake up calls” sounding across the world in relation to issues like the environment, spread of disease and financial inequality.
Personally I am delighted to announce the launch of my new practice with therapeutic offerings for body, mind, and soul. The process of bringing myself, as a therapist and meditation guide, fully out into the light and to welcome new clients, is really forcing me to face my fear of failure square on. Soothing the nagging urge to retreat to the illusory safety of my own shell, to keep on playing it small is a regular practice.

One of the highlights of my 2020 so far has been working with a sports and entertainment business to deliver introduction to meditation courses to many of their team. The conversations have been fascinating and it’s a privilege to create an opportunity for people to tap into deeper levels of their potential in both their professional and personal lives.
The meditation techniques I offer are culturally neutral, grounding and focus on the breath.  They are based on my various trainings, as well as extensive knowledge of traditional meditation and breath practices. It can be truly transformational. My objective is to empower every student to have meditation as a go-to tool to better manage the stresses and strains of our busy lives. Please do get in touch to explore how this can work for your business.
Last year I qualified as a Spiritual Counsellor and I see clients one to one in my cosy and uplifting space at Harley Street. Spiritual Counselling takes a holistic view of us humans – body, mind, spirit, emotions and energy. It combines the best of the traditional talking therapies with intuitive healing tools designed to work deeply through presenting issues, to start to gain a more authentic connection with our true selves. 
As a nearly-qualified Touch for Health kinesiologist and counsellor, I am particularly interested in working with people suffering from physical issues, injuries or illness, who are ready to explore a more holistic approach to their healing. Touch for Health is a system of natural health-care that balances the body’s life-force energy, thereby allowing our innate healing powers to restore harmony. It is based on concepts from Traditional Chinese Five Element Medicine and modern-day chiropractic.

I have always had an interest in what makes people tick, tock and stop! Prior to my career as an entrepreneurial property developer I gained a degree in psychology. My Mum recently retired from her long career as a psychotherapist and it feels somewhat like a metaphorical baton-handover. I am most grateful to be working in professions that rely on empathy, love and compassion and to be at a point in my life where I am ready and willing to hold the space for others’ self-inquiry. It’s an honour to be trusted by people getting deeply honest about their life experiences, their vulnerabilities and difficult feelings, as well as joys, intentions and aspirations.

Please do forward this on to anyone who may
be interested to find out more

They may be going through a difficult time or one of life’s big transitions. They may find themselves battling stress or emotionally “stuck”, in negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. Or they may be ready to start showing up with more authenticity. My lived experience is that harnessing the courage to begin this work is in itself a courageous and deeply rewarding act.

Contact me for a 20 minute free Discovery Call




Spring in the Lockdown and the Wisdom of Wood